Pet Parasite Control

At Peninsula Pet Clinic in Portland, OR, pet parasite control is one of our key services. Rely on our proactive protection to ensure the health and safety of your furry family members.

Pet Parasite Control

Parasites can lead to a range of serious health problems for pets, including discomfort, illness, and even life-threatening conditions. Our experienced team is dedicated to helping prevent and manage these risks through effective parasite control measures.

Understanding Pet Parasites

Parasites live on or inside your pet, feeding off their host. Common parasites include:

  • Fleas: These external parasites cause itching and irritation and can lead to flea allergy dermatitis.
  • Ticks: Ticks can carry diseases such as Lyme disease, which affects both pets and humans.
  • Heartworms: Transmitted through mosquito bites, heartworms infect the heart and lungs, leading to severe health issues.
a dog scratching its neck with its leg

Pet Parasite Control Services at Peninsula Pet Clinic

At Peninsula Pet Clinic, we offer comprehensive parasite control services tailored to your pet’s needs. Whether your pet needs preventive medication, treatment for an existing infestation, or routine screening, our veterinarians provide the care necessary to protect them.

Our services include:

  • Flea and Tick Prevention: We provide topical treatments, oral medications, and collars that help prevent fleas and ticks year-round.
  • Heartworm Testing and Prevention: Regular heartworm testing ensures early detection. We also offer preventive medications to protect your pet from heartworm disease.
  • Intestinal Parasite Screening: Routine fecal exams detect intestinal parasites early, allowing prompt treatment to prevent further spread.
  • Customized Parasite Control Plans: Every pet’s environment and lifestyle are different. Our veterinarians create personalized parasite control plans to address your pet’s needs.

Schedule Your Pet Parasite Control Appointment Today

Don’t wait until parasites become a problem. Proactive pet parasite control in Portland, OR, can save your pet from discomfort and serious health issues. Contact Peninsula Pet Clinic to schedule an appointment and discuss a preventive plan tailored to your pet’s needs.

Protecting your pet from parasites is a year-round commitment. Let us help you keep your pet healthy and parasite-free.